WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (2024)

Thursday, June 27, 2024 3:51 AM Local Time (about 4 hours and 27 minutes ago)

Chris Brewer, Daniel Negreanu Lead Final Five Into the Last Day of the $50,000 Poker Players Championship

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Winning the $50,000 Poker Players Championship is the pinnacle of a poker career. It seals the champion's reputation forever as they'll always be known as the one who conquered the toughest, deepest field on the poker calendar. It's the one many professionals would admit to wanting to win the most. That dream is still alive for just five players after Day 4.

Chris Brewer, helped by his massive bustout of Johannes Becker at the final table, leads the way into the event's final day as he bagged up 10,465,000. At one point today, he held more than a two-to-one chip lead over the rest of the field. He's the clear favorite heading into tomorrow for the biggest title of his already stellar career.

"It's exciting. I've just been really fortunate and had a lot of good runouts. I'm not going to try to think about it too much, either way and just hope that keeps happening," Brewer said at the close of play.

"It would be a cool one. It's not something I try to think about too much until after. The only thing I care about is the next hand I'm going to play tomorrow. I'll worry about anything else when the tournament is done."

Lurking behind Brewer is arguably the game's biggest star, who has been chasing this title for nearly 20 years. Daniel Negreanu played in the inaugural edition of this event in 2006 and has been back every year since, but he's made it this far just once, finishing in fifth place in 2017. He last won a bracelet in 2013 and hasn't won one in Las Vegas since 2008. But a late-night miracle catapulted Negreanu into second place with 7,635,000.

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Day 4 Chip Counts

PlacePlayerCountryChip CountBig Bets
1Chris BrewerUnited States10,465,00026
2Daniel NegreanuCanada7,635,00019
3Dylan SmithUnited States4,030,00010
4Bryce YockeyUnited States3,670,0009
5David BenyamineFrance900,0002

Dylan Smith (4,030,000), Bryce Yockey (3,670,000), and David Benyamine (900,000) will try to chase down the two leaders when the final five return to play tomorrow at 2 p.m. local time inside the Horseshoe Event Center.

Day 4 Action

Day 4 began with 12 players remaining out of a starting field of 89. Michael Mizrachi was the first to fall when he lost a hand of Seven Card Stud to Jeremy Ausmus' trip aces as the three-time champion had to settle for 12th place. James Obst, chip leader over the first two days of the tournament, then four-bet shoved for 2,540,000 with ace-jack but Becker snapped him off with ace-king and held on to bust the two-time bracelet winner in 11th.

Renan Bruschi (10th) and Joao Vieira (9th) was the next to go as the eight-handed final table was set. Smith led at the start of the final table with 4,835,000, with Brewer in third place with 4,355,000.

Phil Ivey made a big jump up the leaderboard and began stirring up hopes for a run at bracelet number 12 when he bet 1,000,000 after the draw in 2-7 Single Draw. Ausmus called with a 10-6, but Ivey had 8-7 to win the pot and move up to 4,200,000. Ivey then took the chip lead from Brewer when he bet the river with top two pair and Brewer called in Omaha Hi-Lo.

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Brewer moved back into a big lead when he made an 8-5 against Negreanu's 8-7, a pot that pushed him past 7,000,000. Brewer then flopped top set with two aces and Becker called off his last 2,200,000 with aces and tens to fall in eighth place.

Ivey had a steady fall from atop the leaderboard until, with just 1,110,000 remaining, he got all his chips in the middle against Smith in 2-7 Single Draw. Ivey drew a 9-7, but Smith caught an 8-7 to send the Poker Hall of Famer to the rail in seventh place.

Negreanu made No. 2 in 2-7 Triple Draw to knock Ausmus down to a short stack, but Ausmus then caught his own 7-6 to win a big pot off Benyamine. Benyamine soon doubled up against Brewer with 8-7-4 against 8-7-6.

The night was going to be brought to an end with the next elimination, and Smith looked like he wouldn't return tomorrow after he shoved his last 1,840,000 with king-jack and Yockey woke up with two queens. Smith, though, spiked a king on the turn to double up and prolong the day.

Then came a hand that saved Negreanu's tournament and had Yockey replaying the same bad memories he had five years ago after his memorable hand against Josh Arieh at the final table. Negreanu had most of his chips in the middle in Omaha Hi-Lo as Yockey made a full house, but Negreanu spiked a one-outer on the river to make a straight flush and take the massive pot. Negreanu and Benyamine then quartered Ausmus to leave him with just 300,000. The six-time bracelet winner was eliminated on the next hand as the night ended.

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The action on Day 5 picks up with 16:55 remaining in Level 24 with limits of 200,000-400,000 and blinds of 50,000-100,000 in no-limit and pot-limit games. Everyone left is guaranteed $265,054, with the champion earning $1,178,703 and the glory of taking down this prestigious title. The final table will also be streamed on PokerGO.

PokerNews will be back tomorrow as the final five take their seats on the main feature stage to play down to a champion who will write their name in WSOP lore.

Thursday, June 27, 2024 3:11 AM Local Time (about 5 hours and 7 minutes ago)

End-of-Day Chip Counts

Chris Brewer10,465,000465,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (5)
Daniel Negreanu7,635,0000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (6)
Dylan Smith4,030,000100,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (7)
Bryce Yockey3,670,000-230,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (8)
David Benyamine900,0000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (9)

Thursday, June 27, 2024 3:09 AM Local Time (about 5 hours and 9 minutes ago)

Jeremy Ausmus Eliminated in 6th Place ($200,896)

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Omaha Hi-Lo

David Benyamine raised under the gun and Jeremy Ausmus stuck in his last 300,000 from the small blind. Chris Brewer four-bet in the big blind and Benyamine called.

The flop came and Benyamine got his last 150,000 in the middle.

Jeremy Ausmus:
David Benyamine:
Chris Brewer:

Brewer was ahead with his pair of kings as the turn came the to give him two pair, while Ausmus and Benyamine picked up low draws. The river gave Benyamine a low and he chopped the pot with Brewer to send Ausmus to the rail in sixth place.

"Hallelujah," Benyamine said as the remaining five players bagged their chips for the night.

Stay tuned for chip counts and a recap of the day's action.

Chris Brewer10,000,000-315,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (11)
David Benyamine900,000150,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (12)
Jeremy Ausmus0-300,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (13)

Thursday, June 27, 2024 3:05 AM Local Time (about 5 hours and 13 minutes ago)

Ausmus Coolered by Negreanu as Benyamine Saved

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Omaha Hi-Lo

David Benyamine raised in the hijack and and Daniel Negreanu called in the cutoff as Jeremy Ausmus defended his big blind.

Ausmus checked on the flop of and Benyamine bet. Negreanu raised and Ausmus three-bet. Benyamine called off with his remaining stack and Negreanu called.

Ausmus checked on the turn and Negreanu bet. Ausmus called. Ausmus checked again on the river and Negreanu bet. Ausmus called.

Negreanu showed for the nut flush to beat out the second nut flush of Ausmus with as Benyamine was saved on the river with his .

Daniel Negreanu7,635,0002,535,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (15)
David Benyamine750,000-325,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (16)
Jeremy Ausmus300,000-1,300,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (17)

Thursday, June 27, 2024 2:59 AM Local Time (about 5 hours and 19 minutes ago)

Negreanu Spikes a One-Outer to Stun Yockey

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Omaha Hi-Lo

In 2019, Bryce Yockey was at the final table of this event but was eliminated in one of the most memorable hands in WSOP history, Josh Arieh drawing a wheel to beat his pat No. 2. The hand he just played against Daniel Negreanu should give him a sense of deja vu.

Yockey raised in the hijack and Negreanu called in the big blind.

Yockey bet on the flop and Negreanu called. The turn was the and Negreanu led out with a bet.

Yockey came back with a raise and Negreanu called. The river was the and Negreanu checked. Yockey then bet, Negreanu raised, and Yockey called.

Yockey had for a full house, but it was no good as Negreanu had spiked a straight flush with .

"I have a seven-card straight flush. That was lucky. That was really lucky," Negreanu said.

"I made a seven-card straight flush, has that ever happened before?" Negreanu added as Yockey could only laugh after suffering another terrible bad beat at the PPC final table.

Daniel Negreanu5,100,0001,400,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (19)
Bryce Yockey3,900,000-2,200,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (20)

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Thursday, June 27, 2024 2:51 AM Local Time (about 5 hours and 27 minutes ago)

Brewer Quarters Benyamine

Omaha Hi-Lo

Chris Brewer opened in the small blind with and David Benyamine called in the big blind with .

Brewer bet on the flop and Benyamine called, and the same action took place on the turn. Brewer bet again on the turn and Benyamine called before seeing that he was getting quartered.

Chris Brewer10,315,000600,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (22)
David Benyamine1,075,000-750,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (23)

Thursday, June 27, 2024 2:40 AM Local Time (about 5 hours and 38 minutes ago)

Yockey Has Aces in the Hole

Seven Card Stud

Bryce Yockey: /
Daniel Negreanu: / - folded on fifth street
Jeremy Ausmus: / - folded on fifth street

Daniel Negreanu completed and Bryce Yockey and Jeremy Ausmus called.

Negreanu bet on fourth street and both opponents called. Negreanu then bet again on fifth.

Yockey came back with a raise this time and Ausmus folded. Negreanu also tossed his cards away as Yockey took the pot with .

Bryce Yockey6,100,0001,480,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (24)
Daniel Negreanu3,700,000-1,260,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (25)
Jeremy Ausmus1,600,000-1,200,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (26)

Thursday, June 27, 2024 2:30 AM Local Time (about 5 hours and 48 minutes ago)

Smith Spikes Three-Outer

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No-Limit Hold'em

Dylan Smith open-jammed a stack of 1,840,000 on the button and Bryce Yockey three-bet in the small blind to get things heads-up.

Dylan Smith:
Bryce Yockey:

Smith had run into queens and got no help from the flop. However, the appeared on the turn to give Smith the lead and he dodged Yockey's flush outs on the river for a double.

Bryce Yockey4,620,000-1,490,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (28)
Dylan Smith3,930,000740,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (29)

Thursday, June 27, 2024 2:22 AM Local Time (about 5 hours and 56 minutes ago)

Yockey Traps Benyamine

No-Limit Hold'em

David Benyamine opened to 275,000 as the first player to act with and Bryce Yockey called on the button with .

Benyamine checked on the flop of and Yockey bet 250,000. Benyamine called. Benyamine checked again on the turn and folded when faced with a bet of 700,000 from Yockey.

Bryce Yockey6,110,0001,810,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (30)
David Benyamine1,825,000-525,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (31)

Thursday, June 27, 2024 2:17 AM Local Time (about 6 hours and 1 minute ago)

Benyamine Survives

2-7 Triple Draw

Chris Brewer raised and David Benyamine called while committing a sizable portion of his stack. Ausmus also called and drew two as Brewer stood pat and Benyamine drew two.

Ausmus checked after the first draw and Brewer bet. Benyamine called and Ausmus folded. Brewer stood pat and Benyamine drew one.

Brewer bet again and Benyamine called off with his remaining chips. Both players remained pat and Brewer's lost out to Benyamine's .

Chris Brewer9,715,000-1,825,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (32)
David Benyamine2,350,0001,350,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (33)

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Thursday, June 27, 2024 2:07 AM Local Time (about 6 hours and 11 minutes ago)

Ausmus Draws a Seven on Benyamine

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2-7 Triple Draw

Jeremy Ausmus raised on the button and David Benyamine called in the big blind.

Both players drew two and checked. Benyamine then took one and Ausmus two.

Benyamine bet the second draw and Ausmus called. Ausmus took one more, while Benyamine stood pat.

Benyamine checked and Ausmus put out a bet. Benyamine tanked for several minutes before calling with , but Ausmus had caught to win the pot.

Jeremy Ausmus2,800,0001,350,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (36)
David Benyamine1,000,000-1,200,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (37)

Thursday, June 27, 2024 2:00 AM Local Time (about 6 hours and 18 minutes ago)

Negreanu Makes a Number Two

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2-7 Triple Draw

Daniel Negreanu raised in the hijack and Jeremy Ausmus three-bet in the small blind. Negreanu called and drew two as Ausmus stood pat.

Ausmus bet after the first draw and Negreanu called. Ausmus again patted and Negreanu again drew two. Ausmus bet again after the second draw and Negreanu called. Ausmus patted once more and Negreanu drew one.

Ausmus checked after the final draw and Negreanu bet. Ausmus called with his and lost out as Negreanu made a number two.

Daniel Negreanu4,960,0001,775,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (39)
Jeremy Ausmus1,450,000-2,700,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (40)

Thursday, June 27, 2024 1:57 AM Local Time (about 6 hours and 21 minutes ago)

Yockey Makes Another Seven

2-7 Triple Draw

David Benyamine raised in the hijack, Bryce Yockey reraised in the small blind, and Benyamine called.

Yockey drew one and Benyamine two. Yockey then bet and Benyamine called.

Yockey stood pat and bet after the second draw, while Benyamine drew two. Benyamine quickly folded and Yockey took the pot with .

Bryce Yockey4,300,0001,465,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (41)
David Benyamine2,200,000400,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (42)

Thursday, June 27, 2024 1:49 AM Local Time (about 6 hours and 29 minutes ago)

Level 24 started

Level: 24

Blinds: 0/0

Ante: 0

Thursday, June 27, 2024 1:48 AM Local Time (about 6 hours and 30 minutes ago)

Final Break of the Day

The remaining six players are taking the last 15-minute break of Day 4.

They will continue playing until there are five players left or to the end of the next level.

Chris Brewer11,540,000-210,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (43)
Jeremy Ausmus4,150,00050,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (44)
Dylan Smith3,190,000-410,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (45)
Daniel Negreanu3,185,0001,155,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (46)
Bryce Yockey2,835,00035,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (47)
David Benyamine1,800,000-200,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (48)

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Thursday, June 27, 2024 1:41 AM Local Time (about 6 hours and 37 minutes ago)

Ausmus Blasts Yockey Off a Pair

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Stud Hi-Lo

Jeremy Ausmus: /
Bryce Yockey: / - folded on sixth street

Bryce Yockey completed, Jeremy Ausmus raised, and Yockey called.

Yockey then bet on fourth street and Ausmus called. Ausmus bet on fifth and Yockey called down to sixth.

Ausmus bet again and Yockey, with in the hole, thought about the decision for a minute before folding as Ausmus took the pot with .

Jeremy Ausmus4,100,0001,125,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (51)
Bryce Yockey2,800,000-800,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (52)

Thursday, June 27, 2024 1:33 AM Local Time (about 6 hours and 45 minutes ago)

Benyamine Doesn't Fall For Yockey's Trap

No-Limit 2-7 Single Draw

David Benyamine raised to 225,000 in the cutoff and Bryce Yockey called in the big blind.

Both players stood pat and Yockey checked. Benyamine checked back with and Yockey sheepishly showed as he took the small pot.

Bryce Yockey3,600,000225,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (53)
David Benyamine2,000,000-200,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (54)

Thursday, June 27, 2024 1:27 AM Local Time (about 6 hours and 51 minutes ago)

Phil Ivey Eliminated in 7th Place ($158,719)

WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (55)

No-Limit 2-7 Single Draw

Dylan Smith raised to 160,000 under the gun before Phil Ivey moved all in for 1,110,000 on the button. Smith called and both players drew one.

Ivey had 9-6-5-4, while Smith was showing 8-7-5-3. Ivey drew a to make a 9-7, but Smith caught a for an 8-7-6-5-3 to win the pot and send the 11-time bracelet winner to the rail in seventh place.

Dylan Smith3,600,0001,500,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (56)
Phil Ivey0-2,200,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (57)

Thursday, June 27, 2024 1:14 AM Local Time (about 7 hours and 4 minutes ago)

Yockey Takes From Ausmus

No-Limit 2-7 Single Draw

Bryce Yockey raised to 300,000 in the small blind with and Jeremy Ausmus called in the big blind with before ditching the queen and one of the threes as Yockey stood pat.

Yockey bet 450,000 after the draw and Ausmus folded.

Bryce Yockey3,375,000275,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (58)
Jeremy Ausmus2,975,000-525,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (59)

Thursday, June 27, 2024 1:09 AM Local Time (about 7 hours and 9 minutes ago)

Yockey Pays Off Benyamine

Limit Hold'em

Bryce Yockey raised in the hijack and David Benyamine called in the big blind.

Both players checked the flop. Benyamine then led out with a bet on the turn and Yockey called.

The river was the and Benyamine bet again. Yockey called with , but Benyamine had for a straight to win the pot.

Bryce Yockey3,100,000-855,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (60)
David Benyamine2,200,000670,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (61)

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WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (2024)


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